simplistic plotting class which mimicks a octave approach to plotting Use this class as if you were plotting in octave.
| Plot (void) |
void | setBackground (const char *clsStr) |
void | setBackground (ColourLineSpec cls) |
void | setBackground (const GdkColor gdkC) |
GtkWidget * | gca (void) |
| Get the current axis. More...
GtkWidget * | getCurrentAxis (void) |
| Get the current axis. More...
void | show (void) |
void | hide (void) |
GtkDataboxGraph * | plot (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt) |
GtkDataboxGraph * | plot (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, const char *clsChar) |
GtkDataboxGraph * | plot (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) |
GtkDataboxGraph * | plot (gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt) |
GtkDataboxGraph * | plot (gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt, const char *clsChar) |
GtkDataboxGraph * | plot (gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) |
GtkDataboxGraph * | semilogx (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt) |
| Plots with a logarithmic ordinate scale Plotting the data with a logarithmic ordinate scale and a default colour. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | semilogx (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, const char *clsChar) |
| Plots with a logarithmic ordinate scale Plotting the data with a logarithmic ordinate scale. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | semilogx (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) |
| Plots with a logarithmic ordinate scale Plotting the data with a logarithmic ordinate scale. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | semilogx (gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt) |
| Plots with a logarithmic ordinate scale Plotting the data with a logarithmic ordinate scale and a default colour Each x ordinate has two y co-ordinates - resulting in offset bars. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | semilogx (gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt, const char *clsChar) |
| Plots with a logarithmic ordinate scale Plotting the data with a logarithmic ordinate scale and a default colour Each x ordinate has two y co-ordinates - resulting in solid regions if line plotting. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | semilogx (gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) |
| Plots with a logarithmic ordinate scale Plotting the data with a logarithmic ordinate scale and a default colour Each x ordinate has two y co-ordinates - resulting in solid regions if line plotting. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | semilogy (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt) |
| Plots with a logarithmic co-ordinate scale Plotting the data with a logarithmic co-ordinate scale and a default colour. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | semilogy (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, const char *clsChar) |
| Plots with a logarithmic co-ordinate scale Plotting the data with a logarithmic co-ordinate scale. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | semilogy (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) |
| Plots with a logarithmic co-ordinate scale Plotting the data with a logarithmic co-ordinate scale. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | loglog (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt) |
| Plots with logarithmic ordingate and co-ordinate scales Plotting the data with logarithmic ordinate and co-ordinate scales and a default colour. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | loglog (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, const char *clsChar) |
| Plots with logarithmic ordingate and co-ordinate scales Plotting the data with logarithmic ordinate and co-ordinate scales and a default colour. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | loglog (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) |
| Plots with logarithmic ordingate and co-ordinate scales Plotting the data with logarithmic ordinate and co-ordinate scales. More...
GtkDataboxGraph * | text (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, const char *textDisp, const char *clsChar) |
GtkDataboxGraph * | text (gfloat *x, gfloat *y, const char *textDisp, ColourLineSpec &cls) |
void | clear (void) |
void | clf (void) |
void | hold (bool on) |
void | grid (bool on) |
void | grid (bool on, int hCnt, gfloat *hLines, int vCnt, gfloat *vLines) |
void | limits (float min_x, float max_x, float min_y, float max_y) |
| Set the limits of the viewable region of the plot. This will set the viewable rectangle to be between the min/max specified x and y values. More...
void | limits (gfloat border=0.) |
| Set the limits to autoscale Rescales the figure to show everything plotted. More...
void | replot (void) |
| Instruct gtk to replot If the underlying plot data pointers haven't changed, it is not necessary to call plot again. Simply call this method to get gtk to replot the contents of the data pointers used in the last call to Plot::plot. More...
void | set (GtkWidget *widget,...) |
| sets the property of the figure Various figure axis settings. This list of settings must be NULL terminated. Valid options are (either camel or lower case): More...
void | connectAfter (const char *event, GCallback callback, gpointer data) |
void | xLabel (const char *label, int *indexes=NULL) |
void | xLabelBL (const char *label) |
void | yLabel (const char *label, int *indexes=NULL) |
void | yLabelTL (const char *label) |
void | title (const char *titleStr, int *indexes=NULL) |
void | title (GtkWidget *widget, int *indexes=NULL) |
void | remove (GtkDataboxGraph *toRemove) |
Plot & | operator>> (GtkDataboxGraph *toRemove) |
gfloat | pixelToX (gint16 pixel) |
gfloat | pixelToY (gint16 pixel) |
| Table (void) |
| Table (short int rows, short int cols, bool homogeneous=true, GtkAttachOptions xOpt=GTK_EXPAND, GtkAttachOptions yOpt=GTK_EXPAND, uint xPad=0, uint yPad=0) |
void | initialise (short int rows=2, short int cols=2, bool homogeneous=true, GtkAttachOptions xOpt=GTK_FILL, GtkAttachOptions yOpt=GTK_FILL, uint xPad=0, uint yPad=0) |
void | setHomogeneous (bool homogeneous) |
void | setOptions (GtkAttachOptions xOpt, GtkAttachOptions yOpt) |
void | setRegion (short int x_s, short int x_e, short int y_s, short int y_e) |
void | placeWidget (GtkWidget *obj, GtkAttachOptions xOpt, GtkAttachOptions yOpt) |
void | placeWidget (GtkWidget *obj) |
void | getSize (uint *rows, uint *cols) |
void | setPadding (uint xPad, uint yPad) |
void | resize (uint rows, uint cols) |
Table & | operator<< (int i) |
Table & | operator, (int i) |
Table & | operator<< (int *region) |
Table & | operator<< (GtkWidget *obj) |
Table & | operator<< (LinkList< GtkWidget *> &ll) |
Table & | operator<< (Container &b) |
Table & | operator<< (Container *b) |
Table & | operator<< (Widget &b) |
Table & | operator<< (Widget *b) |
Table & | operator>> (GtkWidget *obj) |
Table & | operator>> (Container *c) |
Table & | operator>> (Container &c) |
Table & | operator>> (LinkList< GtkWidget *> &ll) |
void | setBorder (unsigned int size) |
unsigned int | getBorder (void) |
Container & | operator<< (Container &c) |
Container & | operator<< (Container *c) |
Container & | operator<< (Widget &w) |
Container & | operator<< (Widget *w) |
Container & | operator<< (LinkList< GtkWidget *> &ll) |
Container & | operator>> (GtkWidget *w) |
Container & | operator>> (Container *c) |
Container & | operator>> (Container &c) |
Container & | operator>> (LinkList< GtkWidget *> &ll) |
void | setChildrensSensitivity (bool sens) |
bool | areAnyChildrensSensitive (void) |
unsigned int | size () |
| Widget () |
| Construcotr. More...
| Widget (GtkWidget *w) |
virtual | ~Widget () |
| Destructor. More...
GtkWidget * | ref (void) |
void | unref (void) |
GtkWidget * | show (void) |
GtkWidget * | hide (void) |
bool | getVisible (void) |
GtkWidget * | getWidget (void) |
bool | getSensitive (void) |
void | setSensitive (bool sens) |
void | getSize (int &width, int &height) |
virtual void | setSize (int width, int height) |
void | getLocationSize (int &x, int &y, int &width, int &height) |
void | queueDraw () |
GdkWindow * | getWindow () |
void | connect (const char *event, GCallback callback, gpointer data) |
void | connectAfter (const char *event, GCallback callback, gpointer data) |
void | connectExposeEventCallback (GCallback callback, void *data) |
void | connectExposeEventCallback (GtkWidget *w, GCallback callback, void *data) |
void | connectConfigureEventCallback (GCallback callback, void *data) |
void | connectConfigureEventCallback (GtkWidget *w, GCallback callback, void *data) |
Widget & | operator<< (DragNDrop &dnd) |
Widget & | operator>> (DragNDrop &dnd) |
simplistic plotting class which mimicks a octave approach to plotting Use this class as if you were plotting in octave.
See the readme files for information on how to get/install GtkDatabox (which is required for this Plot class)
The Plot can support a title, xaxis, xlabel, ylabel, yaxis, plot, yaxis (right), ylabel (right) like so :
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Here is an example of how to use :
gca(), (
"XTick", FALSE, (
"YTick", FALSE, NULL);
gca(), (
"Horizontal", NULL);
figure.xlabel("x label");
figure.ylabel("y label");
Here is an example with two plots in the same window :
- Examples:
- NeuralNetworkFnTest.C, PlotTest.C, and PlotTest2.C.
Definition at line 89 of file Plot.H.