![]() |
GTK+ << C++ IOStream operators for GTK+. Now with ORBing, numerical computation, audio client and more ...
This is the complete list of members for Plot, including all inherited members.
areAnyChildrensSensitive(void) | Container | inline |
axis | Plot | protected |
checkDropValidity(GtkWidget *w, GtkWidget *sourceWidget, int info, const unsigned char *selectionStoredData) | Widget | inlineprotectedvirtual |
chooseTheTargetToUse(GtkWidget *w, GtkWidget *sourceWidget, DragNDrop &dnd) | Widget | inlineprotectedvirtual |
clear(void) | Plot | inline |
clf(void) | Plot | inline |
connect(const char *event, GCallback callback, gpointer data) | Widget | inline |
connectAfter(const char *event, GCallback callback, gpointer data) | Plot | inline |
connectConfigureEventCallback(GCallback callback, void *data) | Widget | inline |
connectConfigureEventCallback(GtkWidget *w, GCallback callback, void *data) | Widget | inline |
connectExposeEventCallback(GCallback callback, void *data) | Widget | inline |
connectExposeEventCallback(GtkWidget *w, GCallback callback, void *data) | Widget | inline |
dragBegin(GtkWidget *w) | Widget | inlineprotectedvirtual |
dragDataDelete(GtkWidget *w) | Widget | inlineprotectedvirtual |
dragDataGet(GtkWidget *w, GtkSelectionData *selectionData, guint info) | Widget | inlineprotectedvirtual |
dragDataReceived(GtkWidget *w, GtkWidget *sourceWidget, int info, const unsigned char *selectionStoredData, int length) | Widget | inlineprotectedvirtual |
dragEnd(GtkWidget *w) | Widget | inlineprotectedvirtual |
dragLeave(GtkWidget *w, GtkWidget *sourceWidget) | Widget | inlineprotectedvirtual |
dragMotion(GtkWidget *w, GtkWidget *sourceWidget, int x, int y) | Widget | inlineprotectedvirtual |
findType(TYPE val) | Plot | inlineprivate |
gca(void) | Plot | inline |
getBorder(void) | Container | inline |
getCurrentAxis(void) | Plot | inline |
getLocationSize(int &x, int &y, int &width, int &height) | Widget | inline |
getSensitive(void) | Widget | inline |
getSize(uint *rows, uint *cols) | Table | inline |
Container::getSize(int &width, int &height) | Widget | inline |
getVisible(void) | Widget | inline |
getWidget(void) | Widget | inline |
getWindow() | Widget | inline |
grid(bool on) | Plot | inline |
grid(bool on, int hCnt, gfloat *hLines, int vCnt, gfloat *vLines) | Plot | inline |
gridGraph | Plot | protected |
gridOn | Plot | protected |
hide(void) | Plot | inline |
hold(bool on) | Plot | inline |
holdOn | Plot | protected |
initialise(short int rows=2, short int cols=2, bool homogeneous=true, GtkAttachOptions xOpt=GTK_FILL, GtkAttachOptions yOpt=GTK_FILL, uint xPad=0, uint yPad=0) | Table | inline |
limits(float min_x, float max_x, float min_y, float max_y) | Plot | inline |
limits(gfloat border=0.) | Plot | inline |
loglog(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt) | Plot | inline |
loglog(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, const char *clsChar) | Plot | inline |
loglog(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) | Plot | inline |
operator,(int i) | Table | inline |
operator<<(int i) | Table | inline |
operator<<(int *region) | Table | inline |
operator<<(GtkWidget *obj) | Table | inlinevirtual |
operator<<(LinkList< GtkWidget *> &ll) | Table | inline |
operator<<(Container &b) | Table | inline |
operator<<(Container *b) | Table | inline |
operator<<(Widget &b) | Table | inline |
operator<<(Widget *b) | Table | inline |
Widget::operator<<(DragNDrop &dnd) | Widget | inline |
operator>>(GtkDataboxGraph *toRemove) | Plot | inline |
Table::operator>>(GtkWidget *obj) | Table | inline |
Table::operator>>(Container *c) | Table | inline |
Table::operator>>(Container &c) | Table | inline |
Table::operator>>(LinkList< GtkWidget *> &ll) | Table | inline |
Widget::operator>>(DragNDrop &dnd) | Widget | inline |
pack(GtkWidget *obj) | Container | inlineprotectedvirtual |
pixelToX(gint16 pixel) | Plot | inline |
pixelToY(gint16 pixel) | Plot | inline |
placeWidget(GtkWidget *obj, GtkAttachOptions xOpt, GtkAttachOptions yOpt) | Table | inline |
placeWidget(GtkWidget *obj) | Table | inline |
Plot(void) | Plot | inline |
plot(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt) | Plot | inline |
plot(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, const char *clsChar) | Plot | inline |
plot(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) | Plot | inline |
plot(gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt) | Plot | inline |
plot(gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt, const char *clsChar) | Plot | inline |
plot(gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) | Plot | inline |
queueDraw() | Widget | inline |
ref(void) | Widget | inline |
remove(GtkDataboxGraph *toRemove) | Plot | inline |
replot(void) | Plot | inline |
resize(uint rows, uint cols) | Table | inline |
semilogx(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt) | Plot | inline |
semilogx(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, const char *clsChar) | Plot | inline |
semilogx(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) | Plot | inline |
semilogx(gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt) | Plot | inline |
semilogx(gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt, const char *clsChar) | Plot | inline |
semilogx(gfloat *x, gfloat *y1, gfloat *y2, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) | Plot | inline |
semilogy(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt) | Plot | inline |
semilogy(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, const char *clsChar) | Plot | inline |
semilogy(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, int cnt, ColourLineSpec &cls) | Plot | inline |
set(GtkWidget *widget,...) | Plot | inline |
setBackground(const char *clsStr) | Plot | inline |
setBackground(ColourLineSpec cls) | Plot | inline |
setBackground(const GdkColor gdkC) | Plot | inline |
setBorder(unsigned int size) | Container | inline |
setChildrensSensitivity(bool sens) | Container | inline |
setHomogeneous(bool homogeneous) | Table | inline |
setOptions(GtkAttachOptions xOpt, GtkAttachOptions yOpt) | Table | inline |
setPadding(uint xPad, uint yPad) | Table | inline |
setRegion(short int x_s, short int x_e, short int y_s, short int y_e) | Table | inline |
setSensitive(bool sens) | Widget | inline |
setSize(int width, int height) | Widget | inlinevirtual |
show(void) | Plot | inline |
size() | Container | inline |
Table(void) | Table | inline |
Table(short int rows, short int cols, bool homogeneous=true, GtkAttachOptions xOpt=GTK_EXPAND, GtkAttachOptions yOpt=GTK_EXPAND, uint xPad=0, uint yPad=0) | Table | inline |
text(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, const char *textDisp, const char *clsChar) | Plot | inline |
text(gfloat *x, gfloat *y, const char *textDisp, ColourLineSpec &cls) | Plot | inline |
title(const char *titleStr, int *indexes=NULL) | Plot | inline |
title(GtkWidget *widget, int *indexes=NULL) | Plot | inline |
unref(void) | Widget | inline |
Widget() | Widget | inline |
Widget(GtkWidget *w) | Widget | inline |
widget | Widget | protected |
xLabel(const char *label, int *indexes=NULL) | Plot | inline |
xLabelBL(const char *label) | Plot | inline |
yLabel(const char *label, int *indexes=NULL) | Plot | inline |
yLabelTL(const char *label) | Plot | inline |
~Widget() | Widget | inlinevirtual |
GTK+ IOStream