GTK+ << C++ IOStream operators for GTK+. Now with ORBing, numerical computation, audio client and more ...
#include <JackPortMonitorGui.H>
Public Types | |
Public Types inherited from Box | |
enum | { EXPAND =1, FILL =2, START =4, RESET =8, END =16, NOFILL =32, NOEXPAND =64 } |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | reSyncPorts (void) |
virtual void | reSyncConnections (void) |
void | reDrawConnections () |
JackPortMonitorGui () | |
JackPortMonitorGui (bool monitorPorts) | |
JackPortMonitorGui (bool monitorPorts, bool autoConnectNetClientsIn) | |
JackPortMonitorGui (string clientName_) | |
JackPortMonitorGui (string clientName_, bool monitorPorts) | |
JackPortMonitorGui (string clientName_, bool monitorPorts, bool autoConnectNetClientsIn) | |
JackPortMonitorGui (string clientName_, string serverName) | |
JackPortMonitorGui (string clientName_, string serverName, bool monitorPorts) | |
JackPortMonitorGui (string clientName_, string serverName, bool monitorPorts, bool autoConnectNetClientsIn) | |
virtual | ~JackPortMonitorGui () |
Destructor. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from JackPortMonitor | |
JackPortMonitor () | |
JackPortMonitor (bool monitorPorts) | |
JackPortMonitor (bool monitorPorts, bool autoConnectNetClientsIn) | |
JackPortMonitor (string clientName_) | |
JackPortMonitor (string clientName_, bool monitorPorts) | |
JackPortMonitor (string clientName_, bool monitorPorts, bool autoConnectNetClientsIn) | |
JackPortMonitor (string clientName_, string serverName) | |
JackPortMonitor (string clientName_, string serverName, bool monitorPorts) | |
JackPortMonitor (string clientName_, string serverName, bool monitorPorts, bool autoConnectNetClients) | |
JackPortMonitor (JackBase &jb) | |
virtual | ~JackPortMonitor () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual void | print (ostream &os) |
void | connectPortRenameCallback (void) |
void | connectPortRegistrationCallback (void) |
void | connectPortConnectCallback (void) |
Public Member Functions inherited from JackBase | |
JackBase () | |
JackBase (string clientName_) | |
JackBase (string clientName_, string serverName) | |
virtual | ~JackBase () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual int | stopClient (void) |
int | getSampleRate (void) const |
virtual int | createPorts (string inName, int inCnt, string outName, int outCnt) |
virtual int | destroyPorts () |
void | getPhysicalPorts (vector< jack_port_t *> &inPorts, vector< jack_port_t *> &outPorts) |
void | getPhysicalPortCount (int &in, int &out) |
bool | connected () |
string | getClientName () |
virtual void | setClientName (string cn) |
string | portNameFromPort (jack_port_id_t p) |
string | portNameFromPort (jack_port_t *p) |
string | clientNameFromPort (jack_port_id_t p) |
string | clientNameFromPort (jack_port_t *p) |
string | clientNameFromPortName (string fullPortName) |
string | clientNameFromPortNames (string fullPortName, string shortPortName) |
string | shortPortNameFromPortName (const string fullPortName) |
bool | operator== (const string &cn) |
int | getInputPortSize () |
jack_port_t * | getInputPort (int i) |
jack_port_t * | getOutputPort (int i) |
void | addInputPort (jack_port_t *inP) |
void | addOutputPort (jack_port_t *outP) |
int | populatInOutPorts (const string &inName, vector< string > &inPorts, const string &outName, vector< string > &outPorts) |
int | connectPorts (const string inName, const string outName) |
virtual int | disconnectPorts (const string &inName, const string &outName) |
void | setClient (jack_client_t *c) |
Public Member Functions inherited from WaitingThread | |
virtual | ~WaitingThread (void) |
Public Member Functions inherited from ThreadedMethod | |
virtual int | run (int priority=0) |
Public Member Functions inherited from Thread | |
Thread (void) | |
virtual | ~Thread (void) |
void * | stop (void) |
int | run (void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *data, int priority=0) |
int | setPriority (pthread_attr_t *attributes, int priority) |
int | getPriority () |
void * | meetThread (void) |
void | exit (void *retVal) |
bool | running () |
Public Member Functions inherited from HBox | |
HBox () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from Box | |
Box (void) | |
constructor More... | |
Box & | operator<< (BoxIS bis) |
destructor destroys the widget to neatly cleanup. More... | |
Box & | operator<< (Box &b) |
Box & | operator<< (int val) |
Box & | operator<< (Box *b) |
Box & | operator<< (Container &b) |
Box & | operator<< (Container *b) |
Box & | operator<< (GtkWidget *b) |
Box & | operator<< (Widget *w) |
Box & | operator<< (Widget &w) |
Box & | operator<< (LinkList< GtkWidget *> &ll) |
Box & | operator>> (GtkWidget *b) |
Box & | operator>> (Container *b) |
Box & | operator>> (Container &b) |
Box & | operator= (const Box b) |
Public Member Functions inherited from BoxIS | |
BoxIS (void) | |
BoxIS (bool expandIn, bool fillIn) | |
BoxIS (bool expandIn, bool fillIn, bool startIn) | |
void | reset (void) |
void | setDefaultStart (bool startIn) |
void | setDefaultExpand (bool expandIn) |
void | setDefaultFill (bool fillIn) |
BoxIS & | operator= (BoxIS &bis) |
BoxIS & | operator= (const BoxIS bis) |
void | dump (void) |
Public Member Functions inherited from Container | |
void | setBorder (unsigned int size) |
unsigned int | getBorder (void) |
Container & | operator<< (Container &c) |
Container & | operator<< (Container *c) |
Container & | operator<< (Widget &w) |
Container & | operator<< (Widget *w) |
Container & | operator<< (LinkList< GtkWidget *> &ll) |
Container & | operator>> (GtkWidget *w) |
Container & | operator>> (Container *c) |
Container & | operator>> (Container &c) |
Container & | operator>> (LinkList< GtkWidget *> &ll) |
void | setChildrensSensitivity (bool sens) |
bool | areAnyChildrensSensitive (void) |
unsigned int | size () |
Public Member Functions inherited from Widget | |
Widget () | |
Construcotr. More... | |
Widget (GtkWidget *w) | |
virtual | ~Widget () |
Destructor. More... | |
GtkWidget * | ref (void) |
void | unref (void) |
GtkWidget * | show (void) |
GtkWidget * | hide (void) |
bool | getVisible (void) |
GtkWidget * | getWidget (void) |
bool | getSensitive (void) |
void | setSensitive (bool sens) |
void | getSize (int &width, int &height) |
virtual void | setSize (int width, int height) |
void | getLocationSize (int &x, int &y, int &width, int &height) |
void | queueDraw () |
GdkWindow * | getWindow () |
void | connect (const char *event, GCallback callback, gpointer data) |
void | connectAfter (const char *event, GCallback callback, gpointer data) |
void | connectExposeEventCallback (GCallback callback, void *data) |
void | connectExposeEventCallback (GtkWidget *w, GCallback callback, void *data) |
void | connectConfigureEventCallback (GCallback callback, void *data) |
void | connectConfigureEventCallback (GtkWidget *w, GCallback callback, void *data) |
Widget & | operator<< (DragNDrop &dnd) |
Widget & | operator>> (DragNDrop &dnd) |
Private Member Functions | |
void | init () |
virtual void | jackPortConnected (jack_port_id_t a, jack_port_id_t b, int connect) |
virtual void | jackPortRegistered (jack_port_id_t port, int reg) |
virtual void | jackPortRenamed (jack_port_id_t port, const char *oldName, const char *newName) |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static bool | exposeEventStatic (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) |
static gboolean | reDrawConnectionsStatic (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event, gpointer data) |
static void | connect1To1Static (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) |
static void | autoConnectNetClientsPortsStatic (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) |
Private Attributes | |
VBox | inputPortBox |
A box with all of the input half duplex GUIs stacked. More... | |
VBox | outputPortBox |
A box with all of the output half duplex GUIs stacked. More... | |
ConnectionSurface | connectionSurface |
Draws client port connections. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Public Attributes inherited from JackBase | |
bool | connect1To1 |
When true, then connections are made in a 1 to 1 manner. When False, then connections are made in an all to all manner. More... | |
Public Attributes inherited from WaitingThread | |
Cond | cond |
Public Attributes inherited from BoxIS | |
bool | expand |
Set to expand the box contents. More... | |
bool | fill |
Set to fill the box. More... | |
bool | start |
Set to pack the start. More... | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from JackPortMonitor | |
virtual void | autoConnectNetClientsPorts (void) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from JackBase | |
virtual void | determineLatencies () |
int | getPortListAndCount (JackPortFlags flags, vector< jack_port_t *> *ports, const char *portNamePattern, const char *typeNamePattern) |
int | getPortListAndCount (JackPortFlags flags, vector< string > *ports, const char *portNamePattern, const char *typeNamePattern) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from Box | |
virtual void | pack (GtkWidget *obj) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from Widget | |
virtual bool | checkDropValidity (GtkWidget *w, GtkWidget *sourceWidget, int info, const unsigned char *selectionStoredData) |
virtual bool | dragDataReceived (GtkWidget *w, GtkWidget *sourceWidget, int info, const unsigned char *selectionStoredData, int length) |
virtual void | dragLeave (GtkWidget *w, GtkWidget *sourceWidget) |
virtual bool | dragMotion (GtkWidget *w, GtkWidget *sourceWidget, int x, int y) |
virtual int | chooseTheTargetToUse (GtkWidget *w, GtkWidget *sourceWidget, DragNDrop &dnd) |
virtual void | dragDataGet (GtkWidget *w, GtkSelectionData *selectionData, guint info) |
virtual void | dragDataDelete (GtkWidget *w) |
virtual void | dragBegin (GtkWidget *w) |
virtual void | dragEnd (GtkWidget *w) |
Protected Attributes inherited from JackPortMonitor | |
vector< JackBaseWithPortNames * > | knownClients |
A vector of clients and their ports both ids and names. More... | |
bool | autoConnectNetClients |
When true, autoconnect networked client's ports to the system ports. More... | |
Protected Attributes inherited from JackBase | |
jack_client_t * | client |
The jack client. More... | |
string | clientName |
The name of this client. More... | |
jack_options_t | jackOptions |
Options for jack. More... | |
jack_status_t | status |
The status of jack. More... | |
int | physicalInputPortCnt |
The number of physical input ports. More... | |
int | physicalOutputPortCnt |
The number of physical input ports. More... | |
vector< jack_port_t * > | inputPorts |
The input ports. More... | |
vector< jack_port_t * > | outputPorts |
The output ports. More... | |
vector< jack_nframes_t > | inputLatencies |
The input latencies, one for each port. More... | |
vector< jack_nframes_t > | outputLatencies |
The output latencies, one for each port. More... | |
Protected Attributes inherited from Widget | |
GtkWidget * | widget |
The container based widget. More... | |
GUI to give control and a visual of the various Jack clients/ports and their connections. The inherited horizontally stacking box allows the input clients, connections and output clients to be stacked.
NOTE: This class requires linking against the gtkIOStream library.
Definition at line 184 of file JackPortMonitorGui.H.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 251 of file JackPortMonitorGui.H.
JackPortMonitorGui::JackPortMonitorGui | ( | ) |
Constructor. Doesn't connect the jack client. By default monitors ports.
Definition at line 346 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
JackPortMonitorGui::JackPortMonitorGui | ( | bool | monitorPorts | ) |
Constructor. Doesn't connect the jack client.
monitorPorts | True if port monitoring callbacks are connected, false and ports aren't monitored. |
Definition at line 350 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
JackPortMonitorGui::JackPortMonitorGui | ( | bool | monitorPorts, |
bool | autoConnectNetClientsIn | ||
) |
Constructor. Doesn't connect the jack client.
monitorPorts | True if port monitoring callbacks are connected, false and ports aren't monitored. |
autoConnectNetClientsIn | If true, autoconnect network clients. |
Definition at line 354 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
JackPortMonitorGui::JackPortMonitorGui | ( | string | clientName_ | ) |
Constructor. Connecting the client to the default server. By default monitors ports.
clientName_ | The client name, which will initiate a server connection. |
Definition at line 358 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
JackPortMonitorGui::JackPortMonitorGui | ( | string | clientName_, |
bool | monitorPorts | ||
) |
Constructor. Connecting the client to a particular server.
clientName_ | The client name, which will initiate a server connection. |
monitorPorts | If true, then monitor changes to the prots and connections. |
Definition at line 362 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
JackPortMonitorGui::JackPortMonitorGui | ( | string | clientName_, |
bool | monitorPorts, | ||
bool | autoConnectNetClientsIn | ||
) |
Constructor. Connecting the client to a particular server.
clientName_ | The client name, which will initiate a server connection. |
monitorPorts | If true, then monitor changes to the prots and connections. |
autoConnectNetClientsIn | If true, autoconnect network clients. |
Definition at line 366 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
JackPortMonitorGui::JackPortMonitorGui | ( | string | clientName_, |
string | serverName | ||
) |
Constructor. Connecting the client to a particular server. By default monitors ports.
clientName_ | The client name, which will initiate a server connection. |
serverName | The server to connect to. |
Definition at line 370 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
JackPortMonitorGui::JackPortMonitorGui | ( | string | clientName_, |
string | serverName, | ||
bool | monitorPorts | ||
) |
Constructor. Connecting the client to a particular server.
clientName_ | The client name, which will initiate a server connection. |
serverName | The server to connect to. |
monitorPorts | If true, then monitor changes to the prots and connections. |
Definition at line 374 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
JackPortMonitorGui::JackPortMonitorGui | ( | string | clientName_, |
string | serverName, | ||
bool | monitorPorts, | ||
bool | autoConnectNetClientsIn | ||
) |
Constructor. Connecting the client to a particular server.
clientName_ | The client name, which will initiate a server connection. |
serverName | The server to connect to. |
monitorPorts | If true, then monitor changes to the prots and connections. |
autoConnectNetClientsIn | If true, autoconnect network clients. |
Definition at line 378 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 322 of file JackPortMonitorGui.H.
inlinestaticprivate |
When checked, then network clients are auto-connected to system ports.
widget | The widget receiving the event. |
data | The instance of Surface which is associated with the widget/event |
Definition at line 246 of file JackPortMonitorGui.H.
inlinestaticprivate |
When checked, then connections are made 1 to 1. When not checked then connections are made all to all.
widget | The widget receiving the event. |
data | The instance of Surface which is associated with the widget/event |
Definition at line 236 of file JackPortMonitorGui.H.
inlinestaticprivate |
private |
Initialiser for this class.
Definition at line 206 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
privatevirtual |
Method to handle the occasion where ports were connected or disconnected.
a | A port (dis)connected |
b | A port (dis)connected |
connect | 0 for connection removed, connection made otherwise |
Reimplemented from JackPortMonitor.
Definition at line 240 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
privatevirtual |
Method to handle to handle port registration or deregistration.
port | The port which was (de)registered. |
reg | Zero if the port is deregistered, otherwise registration. |
Reimplemented from JackPortMonitor.
Definition at line 246 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
privatevirtual |
Method to handle port renaming.
port | The port which was renamed. |
oldName | The original name of the port. |
newName | The new name of the port. |
Reimplemented from JackPortMonitor.
Definition at line 252 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
void JackPortMonitorGui::reDrawConnections | ( | ) |
Redraw all of the connections on the connectionSurface.
Definition at line 336 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
inlinestaticprivate |
When a configure-event is triggered on the connection surface,
widget | The widget receiving the event. |
event | The event which triggered the configure-event signal |
data | The instance of Surface which is associated with the widget/event |
Definition at line 226 of file JackPortMonitorGui.H.
virtual |
Ensure all ports connections are depicted.
Reimplemented from JackPortMonitor.
Definition at line 297 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
virtual |
Rebuild the client and port connection GUI from the client's knowledge of their own IO ports.
Reimplemented from JackPortMonitor.
Definition at line 258 of file JackPortMonitorGui.C.
private |
Draws client port connections.
Definition at line 189 of file JackPortMonitorGui.H.
private |
A box with all of the input half duplex GUIs stacked.
Definition at line 186 of file JackPortMonitorGui.H.
private |
A box with all of the output half duplex GUIs stacked.
Definition at line 187 of file JackPortMonitorGui.H.
GTK+ IOStream