17 #ifndef REAL2DFFTDATA_H_ 18 #define REAL2DFFTDATA_H_ 90 #endif // REAL2DFFTDATA_H_
int maxXSumIndex
Row (x) and Column (y) max sum indexes.
class Real2DFFTData controls and manipulates real 2D fft data
fftw_complex * out
The output data.
int sqrtPowerSpec()
This function computes the square root of the power spectrum and returns the max bin.
int getXHalfSize()
The half row count.
void complexSpecAverage()
Updates realXSum and imagXSum.
void findYMax(void)
Finds the y-max for the ySum array, updates ySumMin, ySumMax, maxYSumIndex.
double xSumMin
The minimum/maximum row (x) and column (y) sums.
int getYSize()
The column count.
Real2DFFTData(int r, int c)
Constructor with all memory to be allocated internally.
int getYHalfSize()
The half column count.
fftw_real * timeXSum
A sum across the input time signal.
void clearInput(void)
Zeros the in array.
void compPowerSpec()
This function computes the power spectrum and updates the totalPower, maxPower and minPower...
double totalPower
The total power in the power spectrum, the maximum and minimum powers too.
void findYSum(int start, int stop)
Finds the y-sum between columns start and stop.
fftw_real * mem
The total memory used by this class.
void reScale(void)
Scales the output down by the number of elements.
fftw_real * xSum
Arrays which sum across rows (x) and columns (y)
void timeSpecAverage()
Updates timeXSum.
fftw_real * in
The input data and power spectrum.
int getXSize()
The row count.
void memDeInit(void)
Free the memory.
void compLogPowerSpec()
Finds 10*log10(power spectrum) and updates the totalPower, maxPower and minPower. ...
void clearOutput(void)
Zeros the out awway.
#define fftw_real
use double by default
fftw_real * realXSum
Power spectral sums across rows (x) and columns (y)