gtkIOStream  1.7.0
GTK+ << C++ IOStream operators for GTK+. Now with ORBing, numerical computation, audio client and more ...
/* Copyright 2000-2018 Matt Flax <>
This file is part of GTK+ IOStream class set
GTK+ IOStream is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GTK+ IOStream is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GTK+ IOStream
Author: Matt Flax <>
Date: 2013.05.03
#include "ORB.H"
#include "OptionParser.H"
/* To compile this, look in the Makefile
First machine generate the C++ classes using slice2cpp then compile using your C++ compiler
#include "ORBTestICE.H"
using namespace ORB;
class ORBTestClass : public ORBObject<ORBTEST::ORBTestICE> {
/* implement the virtual method which is in the protocol
Note that the "Ice::Current& c" argument should be present and end the method definition when the method has been defined in the .ice file.
int method(int input, const Ice::Current& c=Ice::Current()){
cout<<"input was = "<<input<<endl;
cout<<"input now = "<<input<<endl;
return input;
template<> const string ORBTestClass::ORBObject<ORBTEST::ORBTestICE>::name("ORBTestClass"); // setup the type identity of the class
// The following empty class is not necessary but is possible ... if you want to expand the methods and variables of the ORBOriginator
//class ORBTestOriginator : public ORBOriginator {
// ORBTestOriginator(int argc, char *argv[], string transportNameIn) : ORBOriginator(argc, argv, transportNameIn){
// }
class ORBTestReplicator : public ORBReplicator {
/* This implements the factory for classes.
It creates the correct class matching the id type
Ice::ObjectPtr create(const std::string& type){
if(type == ORBTestClass::ice_staticId()) {
Ice::ObjectPtr objectPtr = new ORBTestClass;
return objectPtr;
// if we get here, then we don't know the class nor how to create it
cout<<"Can't find that class !"<<endl;
return 0;
ORBTestReplicator(int argc, char *argv[], string transportNameIn, string ipAddress) : ORBReplicator(argc, argv, transportNameIn, ipAddress){
ORBTestReplicator(int argc, char *argv[], string transportNameIn, string ipAddress, vector<pair<string,string> > extraProperties) : ORBReplicator(argc, argv, transportNameIn, ipAddress, extraProperties){
void printUsage(char *str){
cout<<"Usage : "<<str<<" -o "<<endl;
cout<<"Usage : "<<str<<" -r "<<endl;
cout<<"\t -o : run the originator\n\t -r : run the replicator"<<endl;
cout<<"Usage : "<<str<<" -host hostName "<<endl;
cout<<"Usage : "<<str<<" --host=hostName "<<endl;
cout<<"\t Where hostName is the ip address or host name to connect to : defaults to"<<endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
// parse options
int i=0;
string dummy;
bool orig=(op.getArg("o", argc, argv, dummy, i)!=i);
bool rep=(op.getArg("r", argc, argv, dummy, i=0)!=i);
if (orig & rep){
return -1;
if (!orig & !rep){
return -1;
string hostName("");
if (op.getArg("host", argc, argv, hostName, i=0)==i)
cout<<"defaulting host to : "<<hostName<<endl;
// test using protocol version 1.0 - only necessary for the embedded version of Icee
vector<pair<string,string> > extraOptions;
// this is the originator
if (orig){
// create the origin
ORBOriginator origin(argc, argv, string("BasePipe"), extraOptions); // This is the original locaiton where the classes are created
// Create a class and add it to the ORB application layer
ORBTestClass *stc = new ORBTestClass; // this is the class to be added to the ORB application layer
stc->__setNoDelete(true); // ensure that it isn't memory managed when not expected by the ORBing system
origin.addClass(stc, stc->name); // add it to the originator
// run the ORB thread until instructred to shutdown
stc->__setNoDelete(false); // free the ORB based class for memory collection
// this is the replicator
if (rep){
// create the replicator which will connect to hostName
ORBTestReplicator replicator(argc, argv, string("BasePipe"), hostName, extraOptions); // This is the replicating locaiton where the classes are proxies
if (!replicator.connectedOK()){
cout<<"Couldn't connect to the origin on the host "<<hostName<<endl;
cout<<"exiting ..."<<endl;
return -1;
// By using a proxy, you can execute the originator class's methods (on the originator), but you will not have access to the variables
ORBTEST::ORBTestICEPrx oRBTestICEPrx = replicator.getObjectProxy<ORBTEST::ORBTestICEPrx>(ORBTestClass::name);
cout<<"input = "<<oRBTestICEPrx->method(1)<<endl;
// If you want access to the class's member variables (idempotent on the replicator - i.e. if you change
// them here they will not change on the originator) you must get the class locally
ORBTestClass *stc = replicator.getObjectPointer<ORBTestClass>(ORBTestClass::name);
cout<<"variable = "<<stc->variable<<endl;
cout<<"\n\nNotice : if you call the method of the local Pointer (not the proxy) then it only executes locally, not on the originator"<<endl;
cout<<"input = "<<stc->method(4)<<endl;
stc->__setNoDelete(false); // ensure that this class can be deleted by the memory manager - otherwise you will have a memory leak
return 0;
// these tests are for the base classes - which were used during debugging.
//void test1(ORBBase &sb){
// cout<<sb.getPortOffset()<<endl;
// cout<<sb.getPortOffset()<<endl;
// cout<<sb.getPortOffset()<<endl;
// cout<<sb.getPortOffset()<<endl;
//void test2(ORBBase &sb){
// int portOffset=0;
// cout<<"portOffset="<<portOffset<<endl;
// cout<<"TCP UDP port = "<<sb.getTCPUDPPort(portOffset)<<endl;
// cout<<"SSL port = "<<sb.getSSLPort(portOffset)<<endl;
// portOffset=sb.getPortOffset();
// cout<<"portOffset="<<portOffset<<endl;
// cout<<"TCP UDP port = "<<sb.getTCPUDPPort(portOffset)<<endl;
// cout<<"SSL port = "<<sb.getSSLPort(portOffset)<<endl;
//void test3(ORBBase &sb){
// string transportName("transportName");
// int portOffset=sb.getPortOffset();
// cout<<sb.generateEndPoint(transportName, string(), portOffset)<<endl;
// cout<<sb.generateEndPoint(transportName, string(""), portOffset)<<endl;
//int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
// ORBBase sb;
// test1(sb);
// test2(sb);
// test3(sb);
// return 0;
gtkIOStream: ORBTest.C
GTK+ IOStream  Beta