gtkIOStream  1.7.0
GTK+ << C++ IOStream operators for GTK+. Now with ORBing, numerical computation, audio client and more ...
libaudiomask - hybrid simultaneous audio masking threshold evaluation library
Copyright (C) 2000-2018 Dr Matthew Raphael Flax
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* This example shows how to use Dr M.R. Flax's (2000) hybrid
* simultaneous audio masking class to find the masking threshold of a time domain signal.
* The compilation of this file is demonstrated in Makefile.
* Run this file : ./AudioMaskerExample
* View the results of this file using by running the script view.m
* - simply type view once octave has started and you are in the suitable directory.
* The input audio should be stored in the file INPUTFILENAME in text format - each sample seperated by a * white space.
* ========================= HOWTO ===============================
* \code
* // First find the masking threshold
* AudioMasker masker(sampleFreq, count); // Create the audio masker class using fs=sampleFreq and count filters
* masker.excite(input, sampleCount); // find the mask for the array of input data which has sampleCount time samples.
* // Now do something with the masking threshold ...
* // The frequency domain mask is now located here
* for (int j=0; j<count;j++)
* masker.mask[j]; // This is the mask at each of the count frequencies of interest
* // A more sophisticated example - find the threshold for each Fourier bin
* double fact=(double)sampleFreq/((double)sampleCount-1.0); // convert from an index to the equivalent * Fourier bin frequency
* for (int j=0; j<halfSampleCount;j++){
* cout<<"finding for freq "<<j*fact<<'\t'; // The frequency we are inspecting
* double threshold=masker.findThreshold(j*fact); // The masking threshold
* 20*log10(threshold); // The threshold in decibels (dB)
* }
* \endcode
* // The following example calculates the spectral power and the masking threshold for each Fourier bin of interest ...
#include <math.h>
#include "Octave.H"
#define INPUTFILENAME "test/testVectors/audio.44100.txt" // input file - text written samples seperated by white spaces
#define POWFILENAME "/tmp/fa.pow" // The power spectrum of the input signal
#define THRESHFILENAME "/tmp/thresh.dat" // The masking threshold at each frequency of the input signal
#define TMASKFILENAME "/tmp/fa.t.mask" // The masking threshold for each filter CF
#define EXCITEFILENAME "/tmp/fa.excite" // The excitation
#include <fstream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc<2){
cout<<"Useage "<<argv[0]<<" fileName"<<endl;
cout<<"e.g. "<<argv[0]<<" INPUTFILENAME"<<endl;
cout<<"\twhere fileName is an audio file text written samples seperated by white spaces, look for the file "<<INPUTFILENAME<<" which shipped with gtkIOStream for an example."<<endl;
// Setup many variables
// The number of time domain samples
int sampleCount=1024, halfSampleCount=(int)rint((double)sampleCount/2.0);
//int sampleCount=9000, halfSampleCount=(int)rint((double)sampleCount/2.0);
// The filter bank count and sample frequency
int count=50, sampleFreq=44100;
// The number of time domain samples to skip before the sample of interest.
int skip=8192-sampleCount-1;
// The input array to hold the input time data
double input[sampleCount];
// open the input file
ifstream inputF(argv[1]);
if (!inputF){
cerr<<"couldn't open the file "<<argv[1]<<endl;
// Skip the first 2*'skip' samples.
int temp;
for (int i=0; i<skip; i++)
inputF >> temp >> input[0];
// load sampleCount samples as the input to the algorithm
for (int i=0; i<sampleCount; i++)
inputF >> input[i];
// ofstream outputCF("cf.dat"); // central freq. output file
ofstream outputT(TMASKFILENAME);
ofstream outputP(POWFILENAME); // Input data Fourier power file
// Get our masking function (class) ...
AudioMasker masker(sampleFreq, count);
//AudioMasker masker; // Can also be called like so with default filter banks and sampleFrequency
masker.excite(input, sampleCount); // find the mask
for (int j=0; j<count; j++) { // Output the central freq to file
// outputCF <<masker.pfb->cf[j]*((double)sampleCount/(double)sampleFreq)<<'\t';
outputT << 20*log10(masker.mask[j])<<'\t'; // output the mask for each filter CF to file
RealFFTData fftData(sampleCount); // Find the fourier transform for the output of the power to file
RealFFT fft(&fftData); // init the Fourier transform
for (int j=0; j<sampleCount; j++) // load the time domain input to the Fourier transform[j]=input[j];
fft.fwdTransform(); // Perform the transformation of the time domain to the frequency domain.
fftData.compPowerSpec(); // Find the power spectrum
for (int j=0; j<sampleCount/2; j++) // Output the power spectrum to file
ofstream outputF(THRESHFILENAME); // Find and output the masking threshold for each Fourier bin in the power spectrum
double fact=(double)sampleFreq/((double)sampleCount-1.0); // convert from an index to the equivalent Fourier bin frequency
for (int j=0; j<halfSampleCount; j++) {
// cout<<"finding for freq "<<j*fact<<'\t';
ofstream octFile("/tmp/view.m");
octFile<<"% run this in octave : install octave"<<endl;
octFile<<"load -force "<<POWFILENAME<<endl;
octFile<<"load -force "<<THRESHFILENAME<<endl;
octFile<<"semilogx(1:length(fa), fa, 1:length(thresh), thresh)"<<endl;
octFile<<"legend('power spec.','masking threshold')"<<endl;
octFile<<"xlabel('Fourier Bin')"<<endl;
octFile<<"title('Typical masking example - vary the threshold up and down to change audio quality')"<<endl;
string tempPath="/tmp"; //note: if you don't have /tmp on your system, then you will ahve to change the tempmorary dir path name
// start octave - adding the tempPath to the octave path
vector<string> args(3); args[0]=string("--silent"); args[1]=string("--path"); args[2]=tempPath;
Octave octave(args);
gtkIOStream: AudioMaskerExample.C
GTK+ IOStream  Beta